Case Presentation
Posted: 20 Jul 2010, 16:13
38 yr old gentleman, Indo-Pak origin, presented to ER c/o 2 days Hx of diffuse dull chest pain that radiates to his back. few hours before he came the pain became retrosternal and severe, increases with respiratory movements and gets better by sitting, it was associated with palpitation. his past medical Hx was insignificant, his father is a cardiac patient and he smokes around 10 cigarettes per day for the last 15 yrs
HR 98
BP 100/60
Temp: 38.1 C
CVS: S1 + S2 + 0
chest: clear
others: NAD
His labs were WNL and ECG was
The ER physician was thinking about inferior wall MI, he gave him sublingual nitrates and morphine which relieved his pain, the on-call cardiology registrar was informed, who admitted the patient and directly he was taken to the Cath Lab for primary intervention but his coronaries were all normal. patient was sent to CCU with an order to do an ECG every 6 hours.
HR 98
BP 100/60
Temp: 38.1 C
CVS: S1 + S2 + 0
chest: clear
others: NAD
His labs were WNL and ECG was
The ER physician was thinking about inferior wall MI, he gave him sublingual nitrates and morphine which relieved his pain, the on-call cardiology registrar was informed, who admitted the patient and directly he was taken to the Cath Lab for primary intervention but his coronaries were all normal. patient was sent to CCU with an order to do an ECG every 6 hours.